

澳门官方老葡京 about 澳门官方老葡京 includes timely announcements about events, 倡议, 以及在校园里取得的成就.



  • 澳门新葡新京官方的员工在操场上


    澳门官方老葡京 is pleased to welcome new faculty and staff members this fall! These individuals bring diverse experiences and perspectives to their roles, 以及在各自领域的丰富知识, 很高兴能加入澳门新葡新京官方社区.
  • 澳门新葡新京官方中学的学生摩根·盖尔斯, 米娜·霍斯利, 克洛伊彭宁顿, 和Neima Shakur在中学休息室里摆姿势拍照.


    When Ellis 中学 students returned to their beloved building for the start of class last week they were greeted with bright, freshly renovated spaces worthy of the excitement the new school year brings.
  • 考特尼·克雷斯,麦克格罗里93年


    澳门官方老葡京 is pleased to welcome six new members to its Board of Trustees. 这些人与学院有着紧密的联系, 并带来一系列的技能和经验, 以及在各自领域的深厚知识, 这将使澳门新葡新京官方在未来受益.
  • 露西·法托84年被评为萨拉·弗雷泽·澳门新葡新京官方奖得主

    The 2024 Sara Frazer Ellis Award will be presented during 团聚 Weekend to Lucy FATO ’84. The award is presented annually to an Ellis alumna whose achievements embody the School’s mission and what it means to be an Ellisian.
  • 两人将入选澳门新葡新京官方体育名人堂

    This fall, two alumnae will be inducted into the Ellis Athletic Hall of Fame. Elizabeth (Liz) FAY Deegan ’89 and Sara HANEY Stroud ’04 will be honored during 团聚 Weekend in 10月.
  • 澳门官方老葡京2024届学生在阿巴斯诺特门廊上.


    The 16 members of 澳门官方老葡京’s Class of 2024 will matriculate to 16 distinct institutions across eight states. 在这些机构中有一所技术学院, R1:博士院校, 我们国家首都的一所大学, 女子学院, 一所历史悠久的黑人大学, 以及一系列引人注目的文理学院.
  • 琳达·托内蒂·杜根在艺术工作室与学生们一起工作.


    随着2023-2024学年接近尾声, 澳门官方老葡京 recognizes teachers and staff who will leave their Ellis positions for new adventures.
  • Sara Woodside and Sarina Pretter read to an Ellis kindergarten class.

    Ellis Senior Projects Explore Wellness, STEM Education, Sports, Art and More

    Ellis seniors Sara Woodside and Sarina Pretter loved being in Amye Sledge’s Pre-K class. 那是他们学习阅读的地方, and where they acted out countless scenes of adventure from their imaginations.
  • 埃斯蒂·亨特莱夫23岁


    When Esty HENTELEFF ’23 graduated from Ellis last year and headed to North Carolina State University, she was a bit nervous about leaving home but excited for her newfound independence. She declared an Environmental Science major and intends to focus on environmental design; she’s considering landscape design among other careers. Her Ellis experience prepared her well for the demanding study schedule of her freshman year, and also gave her the confidence to think about a nontraditional path through her next few years of education. With her first year of college in the books and a world of opportunity ahead of her, Esty reflected on her time at Ellis and her first year of college—and, she shared advice for Ellis’ Class of 2024 ahead of their upcoming graduation.
  • Ellis fourth graders sing a song on stage during the 较低的学校 Musical.


    春天对学校来说是一个激动人心的时刻, 尤其是对澳门新葡新京官方来说, 当我们庆祝每个学生升到下一个年级时, 为五月和六月的各种特别活动做准备, and bid farewell to our seniors as they embark on the next exciting step of their education. Here are highlights of some of the things we most look forward to each spring.
  • 二年级老师哈里·弗雷泽谈论杰基·罗宾逊.

    For Ellis Second Graders, “Fighting for a Cause” Begins in the Classroom

    “玛丽·麦克劳德·白求恩!苏珊·B. 安东尼!”“罗莎·帕克斯!”“露丝·巴德·金斯伯格!”

    These are just a few of the changemakers’ names that Ellis second graders shouted out when asked who they’re excited to learn about in their Fighting for a Cause unit, a Discovery Unit that focuses on people in history who stood up for positive change and advocated for the rights of others.
  • 可以a Earnest-Hawken was awarded the Marcie WATERMAN Love ’56 International Travel Grant.

    可以a Earnest-Hawken Awarded Marcie WATERMAN Love '56 International Travel Grant

    小澳门新葡新京官方的玛雅·欧内斯特-霍肯还不确定她的职业生涯在哪里, 甚至是她的大学经历, will take her but she knows one thing for certain: advocacy is important to her, 她计划在未来专注于此.
  • 六年级学生为耶利米之家做装饰.


    A few days before spring break, the sixth grade homeroom was full of spring colors. Students were busy crafting decorations for a cause that many feel passionate about.
  • Dr. Reneé Brown-Antonelli is the Athletic Director at 澳门官方老葡京, beginning 7月 1, 2024.

    renerenee Brown-Antonelli被任命为澳门新葡新京官方体育总监

    Dr. Reneé Brown-Antonelli has accepted the position of Athletic Director at 澳门官方老葡京, 7月1日生效, 2024.
  • 超越乐趣和游戏:语言学习从澳门新葡新京官方开始

    布兰达·马丁内斯的课可能看起来很有趣, but spend enough time with her 较低的学校 students as they play and you’ll start to hear a few tentatively spoken Spanish words grow into an enthusiastic Spanglish, 然后用新发现的第二语言进行流利的对话.
  • 学生多样性联盟的领导人是凯拉·赫伯特, Zoi雪橇, Nadia准将, Zaitun Kirabo, 丽贝卡·拉普.


    Culture Jam is a long-standing tradition at 澳门官方老葡京 and this year it celebrated a very special anniversary: 20 years of student changemakers making an impact through this student-led and organized diversity conference.
  • ESSA帮助澳门新葡新京官方中学生建立宣传技能

    你会从五年级的萨曼莎·希夫那里听到, and from many other Ellis 中学ers to follow: kids are powerful.



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